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Reveal.js boilerplate to make modern and compliant slides.
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Introduction to flow control constructs and basic data structures | Preview
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Generics, traits, lifetimes, smart pointers, iterators, macro, unsafe
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Introduction to Godot game engine and Demo walktrough | Preview
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BITS server, running on bits.poul.org
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OUTDATED HTML implementation of a local BITS listener
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(ITA) Block-Model Simulation for Python
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(ITA) Image editing using GIMP and Inkscape
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Running a webserver and securing it with Let's Encrypt | Preview
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(ITA) ISO/OSI model, network interfaces, network managers
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(ITA) What does happen under the hood during boot?
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(ITA) Files, file hierarchy and processes management | Preview
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User and group management, file permissions | Preview
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(ITA) Sensors, i2c, serial monitor/plotter, potentiometer, barometer + magnetometer, servo
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