Merge branch '2025_edition' into 'node'
raulmkultra authored
2025 edition

See merge request !9

git advanced slides


These slides are developed using vite as building system.
To work with them we strongly recommend to use bun as runtime(some features will not work without it).

As first step you have to install the node.js dependencies.

bun install --frozen-locked


You can visualize the slides with the following command

bun run serve

It will spawn an http server on localhost, which provides a hot reloading feature.
Generally you should edit only the content of src folder.


The slides can be built by running

bun run build

This command compiles the slides and the pdf into the dist folder, ready to be hosted on a web server.
If you want to build only the slides or the pdf you can run respectively bun run build:slides and bun run build:pdf